Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Essentials

            In this time where there's so much confusion and even confrontation about theological doctrine andarguments about things that aren't essentials, this is a paper I wrote last year during my Anthem year simply entitled "My Essentials."  I don't want you to think these have to be yours, but rather to stir in your heart and mind what the essentials of your faith are.

   I.            I believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God (John 3:16) who came to save the world from sin.
a.       I believe that He is fully God and fully man.  The deity of Jesus is rightly expounded in: John 1:1; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 2:34.  And the humanity of Jesus is just as poignantly shown to us in John 8:12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 42, and 51.  To believe that Jesus is fully God and fully man is to believe in the person of Jesus, and to acknowledge Him to be relatable with us, and not just a God who is far off and doesn’t understand our troubles.
b.      I believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus, that it was essential for Him to be conceived by the Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 7:14) “Those who doubt or deny the Virgin Birth of Jesus, do so because of a presupposition of unbelief.  The fact that the Scriptures teach the Virgin Birth is undeniable.” (Foundations of Pentecostal Theology, pg. 92) “He would not have been Infinite, and if some method could have been arranged to avoid a corporate identity with Adam, He could not have died for the world.” (Foundations… pg. 93) If Jesus had been born of a normal birth, man and a woman, then He would have only been a very special man who was close with God; only a very powerful prophet.  Scripture would also show to lie and be false and therefore put an end to its inerrancy and infallibility.  By being born of a virgin, Jesus fulfilled prophecy and also shows that God truly is His Father, both in the physical sense and Spiritually as well, being one with the Father (John 17:21).  It also sets Jesus apart by His miraculous birth, setting Him apart for the work set before Him.
c.       I believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6)  His claims are singular to all religious figures in history, and sets Him apart as the One who is authentic, showing all who come to Him, the way to life everlasting.
d.      I believe that Jesus lived a perfect life.  I believe that in Hebrews 5:7-10, where it says, “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission.  Although He was a son, He learned obedience from what was suffered and, once made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” And that in Matthew 5:28 when Jesus said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” He was admitting to His perfection because He later says that He and the Father are one (John 17:21).  If Jesus wasn’t perfect, then His sacrifice for us was never complete and it was only a momentary dying for sins, as in the Old Testament. 
e.       I believe that Jesus died and rose again and is seated at the right hand of the Father (Luke 22:69, “of the Father” in this case, is “of the Mighty God” who is the Father).  This is the central and most important tenet to my faith, and the faith of all Christianity.  If Jesus did not rise from the dead, our faith is useless and we should be pitied above all men in this world (1 Corinthians 15:19); but “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead,” (15:20)

    II.            I believe in the Holy Trinity.  I believe that the Father, Spirit and Son are a threefold personality and persons in one complete and united being. “The Three are One in Nature, Will, and Purpose.” (Foundations of Pentecostal Theology, ph. 91)
a.       I believe in the Father, the “Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2).  I believe that God is our heavenly Father, and that when Jesus taught us how to pray “Our Father in heaven…” (Matt 6:9)  This gives us a sense of identity in God, being His sons we have confidence to approach Him.  Also I believe that all authority comes from God (John 19:11 Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above), and that He reigns over all things (Psalm 97:1).  “The relationship of Father and Son has to do with their self-revelation to us in the context of Redemption.  It does not mean that once the Father existed alone and then He begot the Son at a point of time.” (Foundations of Pentecostal Theology, pg. 91)
b.      I believe in the Son, Jesus Christ.  I believe that He was and has always been one with the Father (John 17:22) “The Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, being very and eternal God, of one substance, and equal with the Father, did, when the fullness of time was come take upon himself man’s nature, with all the essential properties and common infirmities thereof, yes without sin.” (Foundations… pg. 94)  I believe that He is fully God and fully man and that He is totally relatable with us, being our High Priest who sympathizes with us and comforts us in or times of trouble (Hebrews 5:1-10).
c.       I believe in the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity.  I believe that He is equal with the Father and with the Son, making the Trinity not a hierarchal group but as a totally unified force flooding the world with the love that pours from the heart of God.  I believe that the Spirit is our Comforter, or Counselor, and that He was sent by Jesus after Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:7-8).
 III.            I believe that because of sin, humanity is totally depraved and separated from God, and that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
a.       Gen 3:6 “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.”  I believe that the Original sin, the sin of Adam and Eve, caused humanity to divorce itself from God, choosing the desire of the flesh over the ultimate pleasure of being in relationship with a good and holy God.  “Over God, they choose to feed their fever” (song “Live Free” by Lecrae; album: Rebel).  “God only stipulated that ‘of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall die’ (Gen. 2:7).  The man received this command and evidently related it to the woman after her creation, or perhaps God himself did so.  It was only one command: a test, not a temptation.  God had good purposes in mind.  But then enter the serpent, with malevolent designs of almost unimaginable proportions.” (Truth Aflame, pg. 253)
b.      I believe that sin completely separates us from God. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23); “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).  Because of the sin that we have in our hearts, and sin being evil, we cannot have relationship with God that was intended for us in the Garden of Eden.  When David wrote “there is none good, not even one,” I believe that he wasn’t only just talking of his people Israel, but entire humanity because Jesus later states that “the only one good is God” (paraphrase of Matthew 19:17).
c.       I believe that because of the original sin, that it inevitably exists in our being and it is because “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).  Nobody is free from the disease that has costs the life of billions of people, the only remedy for which is the blood of Jesus Christ.
 IV.            The believe that the Bible is the word of God, and that it is the ultimate authority for my life in regard to how I live, theology and is the ruler that all revelation should be measured by.
a.       I believe that the bible is infallible (absolutely trustworthy) and inerrant (free from error).  I believe that throughout history, “through God’s supernatural guidance and inspiration the teachings of the Bible are totally trustworthy in all areas.”  (Truth Aflame, pg. 60)  I trust that God guided the hands of the writers to write exactly what He wanted in a way that the “word of God is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12)
b.      I believe that the Bible was completely inspired by God.  “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  “Inspiration is a supernatural influence upon divinely chosen prophets and apostles whereby the Spirit of God assures the truth and trustworthiness of their oral and written proclamation.  Historic evangelical Christianity considers the Bible as the essential textbook because, in view of its quality, it inscripturates divinely revealed truth in verbal form.” (Truth Aflame, pg. 51)
c.       I believe that the Bible has total authority over my life and that it is the ruler that my life should be measured by.  The Bible is useful for “teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16b).  “God’s Word, supersedes all human words… By the authority of the Bible, we mean that the Bible, as the expression of God’s will to us, possesses the right supremely to define what we are to believe and how we are to conduct ourselves” (Truth Aflame, pg. 50).  When we are given revelation, or “perceived revelation”, it has to be measured by scripture to see if it lines up with His word.  He doesn’t contradict His own word and will remain faithful to His word with the revelation that He gives.
    V.            I believe in God, the Creator of all things, the One True God. 
a.       I believe that God is the Creator of all things.  That when He spoke at the beginning of time, all things came into being. (Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”)  I believe that He is eternal and has had no beginning or end, just as we can’t see the beginning or end of a circle. 
b.      I believe that God is the one true God, the only One who rules the skies, who is the ultimate authority and only true authority of this world.  “But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations cannot endure his wrath.” (Jeremiah 10:10)  I believe also that to know Him, is to know eternal life: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)
 VI.            I believe Salvation is from God and God alone.  I believe that only in Christ is there Salvation and eternal life for us.
a.       I believe that we are “saved by grace, through faith” (Ephesians 2:8) so that no one can boast.  This is of utmost importance because it means we do not earn our Salvation, but only by the work of Jesus on the cross and rising to life.  “God’s plan of salvation is so simple that the least among the sons of men can grasp enough of it to experience its transforming power.  At the same time, it is so profound that no inadequacy has ever been discovered in it.  In fact, those who know it best are continuously amazed that one, and only one, plan of salvation is needed to meet the vast array of spiritual needs among the almost limitless varieties of the needs of men in every race, culture and condition among the nations of this world.  The heart of God’s plan of salvation centers around the office and function of a Mediator—One who could go between an offended God and a helpless sinful creature, man.” (Foundations… pg. 179) Salvation, if taught correctly, will be accused of being too simple, too easy, and therefore not a sound teaching; yet if it is taught correctly, and for those who receive it, they receive it with joy because of the One who offered it, not because of the content.
b.      I believe that there is a literal heaven and a literal hell.  If there was no hell, then was no reason for Jesus to die for our sins, that His sacrifice for us was in vain and had absolutely no point.  Scripture is pungent in its references to hell, but perhaps the best of these are: “For when he dies he shall carry nothing away; his glory shall not descend after him” (Psalm 49:17); “”For Sheol cannot thank You, death cannot praise You; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for Your truth” (Isaiah 38:18); “But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed has power to cast into hell, yes, I say to you, fear Him!”  A belief without hell is like life without purpose.  Meaningless.  Jesus died so that we don’t have to endure the eternal flames of hell.  As John MacArthur says, “No one in scripture spoke more of judgment than Jesus.  He spoke of sins that could not be forgiven, of danger of losing one’s soul forever, of spending eternity in the torments of Hell, of existing forever in outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Christian Theology, second ed,, 1243)
c.       But the even greater reality is the existence of heaven.  The dwelling place of God is the ultimate destination of every believer who has placed their faith in Him who is trustworthy to hold our lives in His hand.  Perhaps the greatest section of scripture for heaven is Revelation 21:1-2 “Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.  I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”   Also, “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”  Jesus was speaking about God’s dwelling place, our ultimate destination because of our faith in Him.

The Importance of Theology
Theology is what we think and believe about God.  The importance of this is how we think and what we believe about God will shape how we live our lives and treat other people.  If God is not ultimately good, all of the time, then we will live in a life of despair and depression and not in the joy that God wants us to live in.  However, if God is good all of the time and has nothing but good thoughts and intentions for me, then even in the times of trial and fire, I can live in the “joy of the Lord.”  Though it’s not something that I work up, it’s totally out of who God is and who is in my life.  I believe that God’s goodness is something that the church needs to grab hold of.  We’ve been living in a belief that God is only good in the good times.  The enemy—Satan and his minions—have crippled the church in this aspect because we’ve been living in a lack of joy.  If our theology is biblical and founded in Jesus, then we should be living our life in the truth of God being good all of the time, that it’s in His very nature for Him to be good and that every thought He has for us is good.
            All sound theology is found in Jesus Christ.  If Jesus didn’t live it, preach it or if the belief isn’t found in the Bible, then we need to toss is out because it is not of Jesus.  God will reveal everything in our life through fire; this means our beliefs as well.  If they are not founded upon the Rock and upon the very breath of God (2 Tim 3:16) then they are not sound doctrine and we should not entrust ourselves to them.  With the Bible as my ruler by which I measure all beliefs that get put onto my plate, I don’t need to get shaken, rather, we don’t have to be shaken by those beliefs because it doesn’t measure up to the word of God on which I stand, it is to be tossed out into the flames because it will not bear fruit. 
            As a church, the collective body of Christ needs to get back to the importance of a personal theology.  There’s been too much talk that we don’t need theology.  Christianity without theology is like a human without a backbone.  Our faith will be soft and won’t have any real “meat” to it.  I’m not saying we should all go to seminary; it can be a thing of importance, though for those who feel they have the call to go there.  If people have that call, may they go with a soft heart, only to get closer to Jesus than to become bigger in man’s eyes by the knowledge they acquire.  Theology is essential to every believer, and everyone has some sort of theology in their life, whether they acknowledge it or not.  First and foremost, theology is the study of God which should cause us to stand in awe and in wonder of God, not to gloat in our head getting “bigger” or acquiring more knowledge.  We should always point to the source of all that we are and continue to seek ever more fervently because of who God is.  “In the essentials, unity; in nonessentials liberty; in all things love.” -Augustine

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Old Wine Skins

Recently I have heard God say to me: "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse.  Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. Note the bold for me, because that is the emphasis on which I am speaking.  You've read that I went to an incredible "program/school" named Anthem down in Medford and that I've been back since early June.  In the process, all the growth, all the maturing, and all the stregnthening of my faith is the "new wine" that has been allotted me.  And so, not even intentionally, while coming back here, I settled into some old wineskins, and it took until now to actually see it and to acknowledge the "stretching and tearing" that I've been seeing.  In some aspects of my life, I nearly expected it to be different OR to adhere to the fact that I've grown and that I'm a different person, therefore you MUST act and treat me in a way that reflects the way I've grown.  Funny, though, people don't normally do that.  Expectations are horrible because if they aren't met, you're robbed of so much that could be. 
     And so, what has persisted is that I've practically "allowed" an old wineskin to be substituted for the new that I've had.  I still have the new wineskin with me, however, it's not like I've felt forced into it, but I've been so concerned with fitting in and not offending people by my growth in the Lord.  (Then I'm thinking, if they're offended by my growth in the Lord, who's the immature one?  Who needs to hold people with open hands and allow them to grow?  Sheesh... don't get me on a soap box please.)  Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to seem like I'm constantly judging and also looking over my shoulder to ensure that I'm walking the straight and narrow.  I don't do that, and when I do I'm not very successful in that regard.  There's been something's that has changed in me recently that has me forgetting that the gospel is offensive.  It spits right in the face of humanity, saying that we are weak, that we need a Savior, and that left to ourselves WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  We don't like to hear that do we?  Especially if you're a guy; being told you can't do it on your own is something that sparks a fire and it's like a challenge.  We can't meet this one though.  However, I've adhered to people's opinions of me, being so concerned of the approval of man that I've forgotten that I live in the approval of my heavenly Father.  After all, an opinion is something so fleeting and changes within the day, why concern yourself with the opinion of man?  My God's opinion or me is very good, all I gotta do is look at the manger, the cross, the empty tomb and throne and that's evidence enough for me.  Isn't it enough for me to be content with the Creator King of the universe loving me and also approving of me?  Hmm...
     I've come to a point where, yes I am totally content with what I have, with all the material "possessions" that I have, but I ; I am cetainly not content with where I am in my relationship with the Lord.  I don't want to just be where I'm at, I want to go deeper and I want to advance His kingdom in a manner that isn't paralleled.  Don't think for a minute, though that I think I'm better than any of you.  I know far better than to think that, because the ground is level at the foot of the cross.  My desire is to grow ever deeper, and to pursue ever harder my Lord and advance His Kingdom.  And in this, I've realized this one thing:  this world is not my home.  There's a reason I've been feeling as out of place as I have recently; it's because I'm not home here.  Ultimately my home is in heaven with the Lord.  On this earth, though, my home is wherever the Lord determines it for me.  I want to be in any one place until my Lord Jesus Christ tells me to "Go" and then I go. 
     My desire for the Lord, and my passion has grown in expanding measure and is not easily quenched.  Only is it quenched in the mighty fire of God.  (Perhaps I'm beating a dead horse in even saying this right here, but I don't want you to think that I'm "holier than thou" with my desire and with all that the Lord is teaching me; I just want you to understand my heart and that in growing, God is making me to be a man who is Kingdom-minded, looking to advance is Kingdom.)  I won't be content with just living and going by.  I don't live to impress, but to impact.  I desire to live in a manner that points to Christ as Savior and Lord of my life and for those who don't know Him, to love them into the Kingdom of God.  My utmost for His highest; I'm one of the "fools" that has laid all of my chips on the table and only God knows what's next. 
     Here we go!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Man Up

It's been a while since I've last harped at, ya.  I'm feeling it coming again.  Here's this problem that I see that, at least for this time being, is causing so much of the pain that is going on in this world: We have too many boys in this world walking around in men's clothing.  We see them walking around self-focused wanting to gratify their sinful desires while wreaking havoc in lives surrounding them.  Today, I ran into a girl I went to school with and graduated the same year.  I was at work, so I wan't able to talk to her for very long, I wanted too, though.  She's six months pregnant.  I asked if she knew who the father was (seems like a viable question for some reason...) and she said yea.  Then she proceeded to confide in me that a few days ago that he left her for another girl.  I heard that, it troubled me, it got a fire going in my belly.  I'm mad, but a righteous indignation fills this heart at the moment.  Where did we think it was okay to go for things that will satisfy us and not care about the damage that may go on in another person's life?  This girl said that she was okay with it (hard to tell... don't know her that well.  However, I'd like to say that it bothers her a bit.)  Her parents are supportive and are not casting her out; thank God for loving parents who keep their kids with them, even in their mistakes and (don't get me wrong, though pregnancy outside of a marriage I believe is a mistake, a child IS NOT A MISTAKE.  A blessing and a wonderful gift, but at that time, probably not what is ideal for life. She's only 19) shortfalls.  Though she may not know it, or her parents even, she's showing how God relates to us in our sin and pain.  He may not like it, but He will never kick us to the curb. 
     If I were to see that guy in the street and know who it is, I would have a few choice words for him.  I'd tell him to, "MAN UP!"  And I'm not talking about being "tough" and balling up, gritting your teeth to do things that are hard.  That's just being courageous, if anything.  "Man-ing up" means bowing down to authority.  To "Man Up" means to know where you come from, to know who gives you life, to know where your responsibility as a man comes from.  Want to know what a real man is?  Look to the Bible, look at Jesus.  See how He relates with all people?  See how He relates with the woman caught in adultery?  Jesus served first.  We must serve first.  He who serves most, loves most.  Do we understand that this life is not about satisfying our flesh?  That life is more than just getting what "number one" can get.  No, number one is not really Number One.  Number One is God.  Don't you dare try to usurps God's throne for your own.  You are not the Creator, the Almighty.  A real man knows where His life comes from; a real man looks to his Source for strength, not gritting his teeth. No, manning up is laying down all of our effort and strength and trying and acknowledging that we don't have it all figured out.  I understand, men that it's not fun to say we don't have it all figured out, that we don't have what it takes.  But you're in good company!  All of the disciples, Paul, Moses, David, Isaiah, Elishah and Elijah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all knew they didn't have it all.  And at a point in their life, realized that. 
     Let's look at our father, Adam and take a lesson from him.  God said that he was to oversee and to look after God's creation.  It didn't mean doing as he pleased, no it was about him being a faithful steward, caring for and leading creation, CARING FOR AND LEADING HIS BRIDE.  If you recall, Adam was with Eve when the serpent, Satan, tempted her.  He didn't do anything.  He let her be tempted.  Don't we understand that as men we are to protect the women around us?  We are to look after and care for those most beautiful of God's creation?  And then, when God confronted Adam, Adam blames Eve!  He passes the buck!  Before we want to call him a spineless worm, take a look at your own life.  Have you ever laid the blame on someone else when it was really your fault?  Ever blame somebody because it was "inconvenient" to be in trouble?  We are not free from fault here (remember Romans 6:23?).  This is something that we've lost sight of so strongly.  We've forgotten that we're not just men in just leading, but also in caring for and looking after.  For instance, guys, are you making advances on the girl you're interested in/dating?  Knock it off.  Stop trying to please your sinful nature.  Are you planning on marrying her?  Do you plan on giving your life for her?  Do you understand what love is?  You say you love her, yet all you love is yourself because you are seeking to please yourself.  If you say you love the girl, you're saying you'd put her before yourself; loving somebody is lifting them up above yourself.  Man up!   Manning up is our abilility to lay down all of our effort and all of our trying and all of our strength and saying, "I trust in Jesus; I trust in His perfection; I trust in His power; I trust in His resurrection, becuase He is the only One that can get me through this and He is the only One that can make me free. 
     Understand that we don't have to go at this alone.  We have the Ultimate Gentleman by our side, who never forces Himself upon us, who we need to look to to draw strength and guidance from.  May we look to Jesus, may we read the Word of God, may we constantly be in prayer to learn how it really is to be a man.  God guide us, show us how we are to be men in Your Kingdom.  Most of all, forgive us our selfishness, and grant us the sight and wisdom to live as men of God, not children of sin.  We are Your children, Lord.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Will You Let Me Drown?

It's hard to put into words how my heart is feeling at the present time.  For the most part, I've felt a storm just swirling around and wreaking havoc on me recently.  You see, God has shown me some areas in my life where He's like, "Okay Jordan, this won't do.  I'm setting before you the path of life and the path of death.  You know which one you want, I know you want Me, but these things that you're holding in front of yourself and pushing Me away is hindering.  Let Me help." 
     It has been something that God's been showing me for some time: passivity.  It runs rampant in me at times and often times causes more harm than good to my life. I understand I inherited that from my father, who is passive himself but I am by no means blaming it on him, this is on me.  Truthfully, it's a stinkin' miracle that I landed a job at WalMart because of how passive I was in pursuing a job (maybe this is God's way of saying, "Hey, I really do work in your life!)  And granted, I'm so thankful for the job, and all glory to God that I landed it, but I am amazed that I got it. (Again, thanks God.)  Perhaps you may not be able to see how this can be a problem, however I see so many potential harms that can come from this.  In my relationships with friends, passivity has sometimes come into play and I've seen the affects of it.  If I'm not going to pursue a friendship INTENTIONALLY, then how are they to know that I really value them and their friendship with me?  Sure, there are times when my intentionality comes into play more than my passivity, but more often than night, the latter replaces the former, and I wonder, "Why am I feeling so alone right now?"  Well, duh, it's because I'm isolating myself in all honesty by not pursuing people.  Then I look to my future, for the bride that God has for me.  How am I ever going to meet her and marry her, when God shows her to me, if I'm not intentional in pursuing her?  After all, what woman is going to want to be in a relationship where the man won't pursue her?  Will she say, "You don't have to show any affection, cherishment or desire to pursue me at all, I'll just marry you and just go with that"?  That's completely ludicrous!  And honestly, I was deceived into thinking that I was more of an aggressive guy, which indeed I am an aggressive guy, but in a more passive way.  Sheesh... does that make sense?  It's a place that the enemy has saw fit to lie to me so that I wouldn't attack my true hindrance of passivity.  Now God is showing me what the thing really is and that I was just really good at covering up my passivity by being an angry guy at times. 

 "Clever, Lucifer, clever.  However, don't you know that My son is Mine?  Your reach is only so far and you cannot have Jordan.  He's mine."  (That's what I imagine God to be saying to the enemy.  However, in my mind, I see the enemy in a full nelson on the floor pleading for help.  Maybe it's because I'm sick of his lies that I'm like, "God, would you just beat him up and shut him up right now?!"

Next off while I wonder back into the Refiner's Fire, another lie has been uncovered and shown for what it really is.  (How is it so easy for the the enemy to lie to me and me not notice/know of it?  It's like he knows I run my mind a lot and then just inserts little nuggets until they take full swing.  Gnarly.)  After spending a year in Anthem, perhaps I had some different expectations of "where I would be" right now in terms of ministry and where God would have me.  I didn't think I was going to be behind the pulpit leading thousands to Christ, mind you, but I certainly was feeling more than just working at Wal-Mart and helping out at the youth groups only when my job would permit.  And here's the lie: "You're inadequate Jordan!  Why else would you be where you're at right now?  You can't do it!"  And you know, there's a flicker of truth in that, in my inadequacy.  I'm only as inadequate as long as I stand apart from the Lord and not constantly in Him.  However, the rest of that is a blatant, bull faced lie straight from the pit of hell.  It shocked me when I found that I've believed it for a short time.  (How many times in the Psalms did I say, "I will remember the good things the Lord has done"?  How many times have I read it?  Why haven't I been a do-er of the Word in that aspect?  God knows, I can't see why at the moment and I wish I knew how I could just change it immediately, but... my limited vision hinders that at the present time.)  I remember that I was called to being a pastor, and God doesn't make mistakes in what He's planning for our futures because He made us and knows what we will excel at.  I know that I am equipped to do all the good things that the Lord has placed before me and that everything that I ever need is in Jesus the Christ who is my Savior and in Whom I have my being. 

In this thing that I call life I walk down it being led by the hand by my Savior.  Right now, I'm in a storm and I feel things are trying to pull me to the wayside, yet I constantly hear the voice of Jesus bidding me to follow Him.  On the other side of eternity, maybe I won't have it ALL figured out, but in the first moment I‘m there, I'll see what this did for me. 
Keep me in your prayers; my heart is troubled and I just need to stay near to my Father who loves me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hear Me

It's been a little bit since I've last blogged here, I've been wanting to, however I just haven't got to it until now :)
I'll be a bit transparent here: this past Sunday, God had touched the heart of the pastoral staff at the church I attend to change it up a bit that morning.  So, after David, the pastor, had spoke for a little bit and gave an "outline" of what was gonna happen.  Prayer.  That's what was going to happen; to be prayed for and to seek the Lord and just talk with Him.  I asked David, who also happens to be my mentor, to pray for me.  To be honest, I have felt a bit transparent and feeling kinda "stuck."  God gave Him a picture of me standing and looking around my horizon.  I was comparing myself to the likes of my peers in their respective ministries.  (To give some background, last year I had spent a year in Medford giving a year of my life for God to do what He wants with me and for me to grow with Him.  I felt God call me back when the "program's" year was finished.)  It's not necessarily that I was feeling like I failed, but more like feeling like I'm not doing "good enough" and that, I guess when it comes down to it, failing in what I feel like God has called me to.  The truth is, I have lots of knowledge in this brain of mine about Biblical things and stuff I understand about God, but as much as I have in my head, it doesn't always make it to my heart, where it affects change in my life.  I fully know that where I am at, I am there "for such a time as this" and that God has something for me here.  I know that, no matter how hard I try, I really can't work to please God.  No amount of stuff that I do can make God be pleased with me.  Yet, because I am in Christ, I have God's approval, His blessing, and I am pleasing to Him- because I am in relationship with Him.  There's no other thing that is needed.  Regardless of where I am at, what I may be doing, who I may be with, God is always so lavishly pouring out His love, grace, mercy and favor upon me.  I can't earn it.
     Yet I find myself in this rut because I'm comparing myself.  Because I feel like I "need" to do more, it comes to me feeling like I need to work to please God and to earn His blessing.  Don't get me wrong, I know I'm saved by grace, through faith and not by works so that none can boast, but for a moment I think, "Does salvation mean I am pleasing to Him?"  Here's my theological answer: Well of course because it pleased Him to have me brought into relationship because of His manifested desire to have me in His kingdom by way of giving His Son as a sacrifice for me. (Too heady? Well... once it hits my heart, I shall have great revelation even deeper His love and grace towards me.) 
     Here's where the rubber will meet the road: as I feel like Peter after I step out of the boat into the waters and begin to look around, I need to fix my gaze upon my Author and Finisher of my faith, who is able to much more than what I can fathom and give me the proper perspective upon this circumstance that has my heart discouraged.  To this end I quote the 121st Psalm: I lift my eyes unto the hills, where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord the Maker of heaven and earth!  He will not let your foot slip--He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  The LORD watches over you-- the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the moon will not harm you by night, nor the sun by day.  The LORD will keep you from all harm-- He will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and your going both now and forevermore.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Am Your Father

" I will proclaim the LORD’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father." Psalm 2:7 "Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." Psalm 27:10
     This is an issue that breaks my heart; this is something that doesn't necessarily "ruffle my feathers" but I get very, very passionate about this.  We all know the importance to our parents here on this earth; for the first few years of our lives they're God to us.  They're the biggest and strongest people we know, they provide for us and they protect us.  The impact of our parents on our lives are so pivotal for our development and for who we become in our lives.  Do you follow me?
     Do you ever wonder why God refers to Himself as "Father?"  Since sin entered the world, fathers are what the enemy pays particular attention to.  The father is the head of the household, the leader and the protector.  (NOT BECAUSE MEN ARE ANY BETTER!!  It's how God set it up, no other reason truly needed.)  Since then, fathers have been estranged, attacked, lead astray, corrupted and attacked non stop leaving a wake of destruction for their families.  Not sure how many times I've seen, girls in particular, young people looking to relationships to fill the void of that love and affection that their fathers didn't fill. 
     Hear me, though: this isn't a cop-out to blame your dad for all of your issues; they're human just like us who make mistakes.  It's good to realize where our insecurities come from so that God can fill those and fulfill our needs, whichever they may be.  It's good to recognize where our hurts and hang-ups come from and to acknowledge the fact that they are there and not to run and hide when they arise.  Healing doesn't exist when there is no pain-- why else would we need healing if there was no hurt?
     I recognize that there are many boys who walk around in man suits.  It's such a shame that so many men of this age are really just boys and have no right to call themselves men.  Do men leave their wives and kids for another woman?  Does a real man, leader, husband place his own wants and desires over his family's?  Does Christ?  We men are told to love our wives as He loves the church and gave Himself up for the church.  There are no mitigating circumstances that justify or excuse a husband/father to forsake his family and there isn't any good reason.  The lasting effects are drastic and leave a ripple affect in the lives of his kids.  If their father left them, then won't God, our heavenly Father, leave us too?
     But you know, through all of our pains and all of our struggles and pains, we have one Constant in our lives.  And that is our heavenly Father.  He never leaves us nor forsakes us and is always true to His word.  Don't you know that He wants to be your Father?  He will take you for all that you are, no matter the hurts, no matter the pains!  He doesn't love you "in spite" of them; He loves you through them!  "In spite of" implies not full acceptance and He takes us for all that we are.  It breaks His heart when He sees His children tossed aside and scarred and beaten.  Don't you know He wants to take your burdens?  He is Father to the fatherless and is near to the broken hearted.  He loves you.
     God says to you, "I am your Father.  I won't leave you, nor will I cast you aside for something else.  I love you for all that you are and I am proud of you.  Come to Me."

Sunday, August 21, 2011


     There are times in your life where all you can do is just say, "Whoa.  Amazing.  Breath taking. Indescribable."  I just had one of those weeks while leading a cabin of 5 amazing Jr highers who are sure fire after the heart of their heavenly Father.  When young people are all for God's plan for their lives, His identity for them, His dreams for their lives, the heavens shake and the destiny of the entire world becomes shifted.  In those times, they're not world changers of the future, but are changing the world right now in what they are partaking in.  They are experiencing heaven on earth, when "heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss" and His love and presence is so thick and tangible that you can't move anywhere and not feel it.  God doesn't care about age, smarts, status or abilities.  God is no "respecter of persons" but will choose to use whomever He chooses so long as they're willing and are like, "God I choose You.  I desire Your plans and purposes and to advance Your Kingdom."
   The first night the campers were there, I was blown away at the level that God had impacted these young men I was leading already (not that I wasn't expecting God to move mightily, but more like I was surprised at how much my boys were attentively seeking after the Lord).  That night, our speaker (Ryan Rhoden, whom by the way is somebody who I greatly respect and look up to and admire as a leader), was speaking about God is worth pursuing and that God is pursuing us.  The main part of refining these young people was talking about removing the labels that the enemy has placed upon them and replacing them with God's truth.  I can't tell you enough how amazing it is to speak God's truth over their lives and to say to them that God alone sets their value and there is nothing in all creation that can change the value God's placed upon His children. 
     Come the third night, I was somewhat discouraged because the second night wasn't as eventful or I guess "imperatively" upon their lives.  However... I was dead wrong.  God's presence was so thick and so powerful.  All could feel God's Spirit moving throughout the chapel and touching lives.  The cabin time afterward put a fire to my spirit.  One of my boys, whom has had visions many times in his life, said that he's had a reoccurring one in which all that would happen is there would be a flash of light.  Brilliant white light just for a second.  I had no good idea to really pin onto it at first, but I sat in prayer for a second and I felt like God say/have me lean towards it being a glimpse into God's glory.  That God is desiring to show this young man His glory for him to know what it looks like, feels like, so that he knows the real thing.  One of my other boys was seeing that people were crying and upset and such, and he was like, "I want to help them, God!  Help me to help them!"  Immediately God gave him the ability to feel what people are feeling, which I feel like is something of a strong compassion/sympathy that only the Lord can give.  The best part about it is that this young man only feels it when he asks the Lord.  This puts so much power in his ministry for his life and will do such amazing damage to the kingdom of darkness and for him to bring God's healing power and touch in those he encounters.  I was so excited!
     The last night we were there will go down in history as a day that shook the heavens and shifted history forever.  It started off with the director, Jeremy Evans who has been my mentor and good friend for many, many years, spoke to the campers from Psalm 139 and spoke such great truth and power over the young people.  You are God's treasure!  To "hem you in and before" literally means to place you in a vault because of how valuable we are to Him.  And probably the most important one is that "He is there."  Whether we're making our beds in the depths of hell or if we're having the best day ever, God is always with us and is always is desiring to be in communion with us and no matter what, He loves us for ALL that we are and not for who we aren't or who we will become.  Then, come the evening chapel time, we had no idea what God had in store for the campers.  After Ryan had spoke, he planned to have us cabin leaders stand on either side of the aisle and create a "fire tunnel" for the campers to walk through while we lay hands on and pray for them.  I have only partaken in one as a cabin leader and was pumped for it.  (To give you some back info on God's faithfulness in this time, you should know that the whole day I had no voice whatsoever and was barely able to talk.  Once this service started, my voice was rejuvenated and I was able to pray and speak over every single camper that came in front of me, and there were MANY.  Next, my legs had kinda been falling apart starting with shin splints on my left shin, then the pain shifting to my right calf with some gnarly knots in them then the tendons in my left foot were crazily acting up and hurting a lot.  However, right as the service started, I felt no pain, and I was dancing, jumping up and down and getting crazy during worship.  The only pain that I felt, other than soreness from standing for several hours praying over students, was after the we had finished and I was heading to bed.  God is so good!) 
     I want to share a few of the words I gave to some students.  The first one, whom I will call Kyle, stepped in front of me and I know his brother (rather everyone does) and his brother is a very cool guy.  I start off with saying that you have an incredible brother and that there's nothing wrong with that.  Relating with him, I was known as Aaron's younger brother or Eric's younger brother and never as Jordan that much because my brothers are very, very cool.  I told him that in the eyes of the Lord, that he is not just (I'll call him Brian) Brian's brother, but God sees him as Kyle; just Kyle and that's all that matters.  Tears began to stream down his face in hearing that God calls him by his own name and not by the people he's related to. (God does that for all of us, by the way.  He calls each and every one of us by name.)  Later I thought "What would I have given for somebody to tell me that when I needed it!"  I believe that it freed him from expectations to being just like his brother and to be his own person, seeking after the Father.  Next was for a girl that melted my heart when this happened: having had the formal dinner for camp just a little bit ago, she was still in it.  I said to her, "You know how fathers have pet names for their daughters?  God's pet name for you is 'Precious.'  You are so precious and valuable in God's sight and He loves you so much."  And after telling her that God says that she is beautiful, tears began streaming down her face and she embraced me so tightly, while choking me up and warming my heart.  Speaking beauty of God's princesses is an experience that changes a life, and for them to believe it is something entirely all its own.  God is good!  Next, it was another young lady, who was wearing a flower in her hair. (God began to give me words for me through what they were wearing and such, or what was on their shirts or whatever; we serve a very creative God!)  I told her, "You know, flowers are something that represent beauty and are very beautiful.  God calls you His flower; you are so beautiful in His eyes." Sure enough, tears rolled down her face. 
     And to be honest, both of those girls that I spoke their beauty to, really were very cute girls and to think at such a young age that they already don't regard themselves as beautiful or worthy of God's love, is to just be in shock at how much overtime the enemy has worked to cripple the women of God.  As an older brother, a man with an older brother's heart, which is progressively forming into a father's heart for people, it infuriates me to see that, to see girls crippled by those lies that they aren't beautiful and will do anything to get complemented or feel special when all that they gotta do is sit in the heavenly Father's lap and hear Him whisper His love and speak their beauty to.  So I say this: ladies, girls, women, hear the words of the Father: You are beautiful.  I call you My beloved and you are the one I treasure.  I desire your heart and for you to know that all you need is My love and My definition for you.  You are the apple of My eye."
     Another: gentlemen, boys, men, hear God's heart for you: "Don't be so proud to think that you don't need Me.  The greatest end for man is to pleasure in Me and in order for that, you need Me.  To admit need isn't to admit you're weak but rather that you're strength is rooted in One who created all things."
     Live in God's love.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back to the Basics

Hebrews 10:19-23 "Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body, and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."
     No matter where you are in life, no matter the profession, we have "basics" that are foundational to what will have us succeed.  For basketball, dribbling, ball handling, stamina, shooting and such are what keep a player go on through a strong career.  It doesn't matter, the basics are what will keep us grounded and on a solid foundation.  The most basic tenant of our faith is that Jesus died for our sins, but is also the most important thing in the world for us.  The process of which Jesus dying for us, He tore the veil that stood between us and God.  This "curtain" that is referenced is the curtain that stood between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place in the temple where the Ark of the Covenant and the Shekina Glory (God's manifest presence) dwelled.  Only the high priest could enter it, once a year, to make sacrifice for sins of the nation of Israel and for himself.  This was where atonement was made for Israel year after year.  This was a big deal and a shadow of things to come.
     Once Jesus died, the curtain (which was incredibly thick and tall) was torn in two, signaling that there is no longer a barrier between us and God.  Because of sin, there had been a great chasm, a barrier that was impossible to cross.  At Christ's death and resurrection, the chasm bridged, the barrier broken down and nothing in all creation can stand between us and Him, now.  So now, there's this amazing opportunity to come and commune with the King, which is why we were originally created, freely without anything in all creation to stand in our way.  There's no real reason for us not to enter into the Holy of Holies now.  What's holding us back?
     So let me ask you, why are you putting a veil up?  Who are you to push away the God who loves you so passionately, intensely, sincerely and tenderly?  Why are you saying, "Thanks for Your sacrifice, Jesus, but I don't really need it"?  Why spit in the face of He who loves you and died for you?  Let me tell you this, anything that you feel "disqualifies" you or makes you inadequate for the salvation that God offers us is a sham.  It's not true; nothing disqualifies us because God qualifies us.  Your placing of a barrier between you and God is only putting Jesus upon the cross again and saying that His sacrifice wasn't enough!  Heed the words of Ephesians 2:8-10 "For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works so that no one can boast.  For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which GOD PREPARED IN ADVANCE FOR US TO DO." (Sure, that perhaps doesn't necessarily pertain to salvation to a "t"... but the "good works" that God has prepared for us, He wouldn't call us to them if He didn't think that we weren't "worthy" of it.)  Don't excuse yourself from life to day on the pretense of your past. (quote from August Burns Red song "Existence") 
    On the basis of you feeling "unworthy", not "good enough", in regards to God's makes you love, or to love in general, I have blunt words: those are lies from the pit of hell!  Evidence is screaming at you otherwise about how worthy you really are of God's love.  One thing makes you "worth it:" Jesus' death and resurrection.  He deemed you worthy by His death and rising.  Don't you dare call Christ a liar; when He declares that you are worth it, live with it!  Wouldn't you rather walking around feeling worth it and not worth it?  Walking around with hope instead of despair?  Everything in scripture screams at us that we are worthy of His love because of His death on the cross.  It's true, we do not deserve it, we deserved death.  However, in the face of that truth, Christ declared a new one: "I love My children, they are worth My love because I choose to die for them."  Dare to challenge me?  Check the gospels, check the epistles, check the entire Bible.  God placed great value in us, and declared that we are worthy of His love solely by His choice to die for us.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Hidden Reality

     Earlier today I was reading in Brennan Manning's book "Abba's Child; The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging."  Normally my reading consists of the usual head nods and agreement with what the author saying and such.  However, the Holy Spirit's conviciton was palpable for me, it was a little alarming, quite honestly.  The first chapter was entitled "Come Out of Hiding," speaking to the hearts of those who are "hiding" from God and for those who feel that God only likes them when times are good but not when they are ugly.  When I first read that chapter, the words on every page resonated with me; it was incredible to see how much the words of a man, inspired by the Holy Spirit, touched my heart.  Once I ventured over to the second chapter, that's when God's Spirit was really touching my heart.  It was talking about having a "false self;" the self that comes out due to some sort of tramatic experience in our child hood or due to some "lack" in our lives and so it comes out to try to supplement that lack by things like people pleasing or the constant seeking of affirmation.  It was all to due with fear, the fear of if I show who I really am inside, I will be rejected and then I will be alone, realizing my worst fear. 
     Now, this isn't the first time God has brought to my attention of putting a facade for people to see, instead of actually "showing off" my brokenness to the public.  I've had a history, though of being a guy who is open, who doesn't hide much, however to prove to myself in some fashion, there are some things that I wouldn't reveal to you.  I thought, "If you knew all of me, you would think me dirty, a loser and a failure.  I can't show you ALL of me; I can show you most but all?  No, that's too much."  You see, I could trust God, I could rely on Him accepting me for all that I am, but humans?  No, no, that's too risky.  Then I'm shown this: if I preach not to fear man, what they think about you but to live solely for the Audience of One, for His applause.  Yet, if I'm not living it out, where is my credibility for what I teach if I'm not living it myself?  Somethings happened to me that has caused me to not feel "safe" around people.  Maybe it's because I see myself, and if I c an't take the ugly that it's my own life, then why would anybody take me for all that I am?  But then I'm reminded of this amazing verse: "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.  Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer." 2 Corinthians 5:17. My flesh tells me that nobody is trustworthy, and if I present myself vulnerable to anyone, it is inevitable for me to be wounded.  If were to go on farther on in the scripture there, it goes to say that "if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation; the old has gone the new has come!" I coudln't even trust God in you, now that's a problem if I say that I can trust God with all my stuff, but for those who know Christ, I still coudln't trust you.  Thank God He has showed this to me now where I can give it to Him so that it doesn't grow into something bigger and more dangerous.  What thrives in the darkness, dies in the light and if I'm not willing to share with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ what's going on, the thing that's living in the darkness will only get bigger and more dangerous for me.  God's conviction is such a gift, and we would be wise to always heed His voice and leading in what we need to give over to Him.  Life isn't life if all you're doing is hiding and "protecting" yourself.  Be real, allow healing to begin by being yourself with people.  It's true, we're broken people, but in order to be "fixed," you gotta reach out and the only One who can fix us is Christ.  Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Psalm 100: 3,5 "Know that the LORD is God.  It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture... For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues though all generations."
     To say that we belong to God speaks novels and one could spend a lifetime studying and finding out what that actualy means.  In a generation where there is a cry of "where do I belong?" this brings an answer to that longing heart:  you belong in the heart of God; no other place is more home for us than in the heart of our heavenly Father, our Abba.  Inside of our hearts is that deep longing to belong and if only we would just search in the right place- the heart of God- we wouldn't need to run aground in our search ever again.
     Next off, a lesson that would ease the anxiety of our hearts, is that we are His.  Despite all of our failures, mistakes and insecurities, He still says that we are His.  He doesn't love us for the things that we can do0though they make Him beam with pride over His songs and daughters- or who we can become; He loves us solely because of who we are.  We can't earn His love, nor can we work towards it; God loves me simply for who I am and He's proud.  God is proud of who you are, He smiles whenever He sees you or whenever He thinks about you (which is all the time!).  The more you find yourself near to the heart of God, the more you raelize that that is home.
     There is no need to fret, for God is good.  Al His thoughts of you- and they are as many as the grains of saind in this world- are only good.  Just because circumstances may not be good, and may be pushing you to the ground, God is working His perfectly good will through those aweful circumstances.  (Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.  If you didn't know, we are all called, just not everyone answers.)  The goodness of God does not hinge on how good our circumstances may be.
     Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

On the Edge of Eternity

"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it.  But each one should be careful how he builds.  For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.  If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light.  It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.  If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward.  If what is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames." 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

     I just attended a memorial service just a little bit ago and this has always been a thing that is in my mind: what is the most important, what really matters in this life?  This particular service was for a woman named Mary who, at three days old concocted meningitis and resulted in a form of cerebral paulsy for her life.  At first glance, you would like to say that she was limited by her sickness.  Her family would argue the opposite, I would argue the opposite without knowing her well at all.  From our own earthly perspective we can say that she wasn't very succesful, and her life didn't "amount" to much, but that is where we are dead wrong.  In that view, we place money and possessions as highest priority for what causes us to really "live."  How far we have fallen!  Why cling to things that when time has its way, moth and rust destroy them?  Material things don't last in our lives and we see that in cases where bankruptcy or where the stock market crashes, money is as unstable as a foundation made out of a pile of sticks.  From the testimony of many family and friends, Mary was rich, not in earthly possessions, but rich in love and in relationships.  Though being as limited as she was, she had more than the wealthiest kings or the founder of Apple (not to say he doesn't know Christ, or know love... just pointing out that material possessions really don't mean anything).  Here's the rub, we understand that money helps us to live, and that it can be quite necessary in times of our lives, but it should never be the centerpoint, the meaning of why we live.  Why live for something that can disappear in a breath?
    Recently, God has been taking me through the book of Hosea.  It's an interesting one, God tells Hosea to marry a prostitute and to "love her like the Lord your God loves Israel."  Paired with some reading of A.W. Tozer's book "The Pursuit of God," God has been speaking a lot to me.  Inside the heart of man is a throne, and only one of two things can take residency on the throne of our hearts: God or things that God created.  Simple enough, I though, until God started to speak to me.  He began showing me areas that I had began to squeeze Him off of the throne and replace it with "things;" it went from relationships with people, to issues I've been having with myself and past struggles.  Regardless of what it was, it was an idol, something detestable in God's sight, and should be the same in mine.  (I understand that the "things" are not bad things necessarily, but once they start to push God off of the throne, there should be major cause for concern.)  Soon there can be opportunity to condemn myself and say, "Jordan you idiot!", but kicking myself in the butt doesn't get me anywhere and just digs me a deeper hole.  So, I've began to say, "God, take these things off of the throne!  You are Lord of me, Lord of all and only You are worthy of that place in my heart.  All things bow to you and nothing You created should ever take that place in my heart." 
     And now, we come to where I am now: what really matters?  Relationships.  The basics.  All things that are truly important can be summed up in relationships; nobody at the end of their life wants to be surrounded by their "things" but rather by the people who are most important to them.  Take a look at the 10 Commandments really quick.  The first four pertain to our relationship with God.  The last six correlate with our relationships towards people.  If all the 10 prime laws in the OT were all about relationships, doesn't that tell you what matters?  Loving God, loving people; all the Law and the Prophets are summed up in that one commandment (if you didn't know, Jesus said that).  If you're feeling convicted by this, I know am, it's not a bad thing,  God is showing you things that you need to give over to Him.  The reason God pokes areas in our hearts that need to be given over to Him is because He knows best and that if we continue to hold on to whatever it may be, it will kill us.  There's always reason in why God says, "Give it to Me."  Many things we carry and pursuits we put on ourselves are things that God never intended for us to carry them.  The pursuit of God is the ultimate adventure, and the only true pleasure for us.  Run after Him.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All Things Pure

"To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure." Titus 1:15
More than anything, I think Paul wasn't talking about food or clothing or music or even our choice of entertainment (that's not to say he wasn't, though).  I think he was reaffirming his words from a previous letter to the Corinthians: "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view (because our vantage point has changed!).  Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:16-17)  Then, for we who are pure by the blood of Jesus (for there is no other way to be pure/purified), should no longer regard any other human being anything less than who God has created them to be.  This is the beauty of being in Christ in regards to the world: we can see who they are created to be because of the Father's heart.  And His heart isn't so far and aloft from us that we have to have some "enlightened spiritual experience" to get a glimpse of it.  Simply by reading His word are we able to get a huge glimpse of His heart for His beloved children.   Don't you know that people are not defined by their mistakes?  Nor are they the product of their failures.  Too often are things said like "you're dirty", "slut", "punk" etc are spoken over broken people that those words just reaffirm their brokenness.  Do they need the reminder of the filth that they're in?  My friends, when you speak those things, you're robbing them of a life-giving opportunity for them.  Have you not read John 8 when Jesus says to the woman caught in adultery, "I do not condemn you, now go leave your life of sin?"  Have you forgotten that?  Why are we so quick to pick up the stones of condemnation when we ourselves deserve to be condemned for our wrongs as well?  After all, all sin is sin.  There is no level of extreme; no big sin, little sin.  In God's eyes, it's all the same; it separates us from Him.  And it all cost Him the same price: His Son.  "To the pure all things are pure" is a beautiful truth that often times we get so terribly wrong.  Don't misjudge my heart here, I'm guilty of it too and I'm not gonna throw the gavel on you, I'm in no place to do that, only God is.  Yet, we should take a long look into God's 66 book love letter to us; we need a better understanding of God's heart for His children.  Yes, God loves us; even more so, He likes us!  He enjoys and delights in us.  The greatest truths are for us, so easily accessed, and they need to be shared and not confined within four walls of a church. 
My point: understand that the ground is level at the foot of the cross.  There is One exalted: Jesus.  You are no greater than the hobo who sits on the corner who's ignored by everyone and you're no worse than the Pope or the President of the United States.  To God, we're all His children and He loves us all the same.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Heart

You know, at heart level, I am a very sentimental guy.  I love the conversations that reveal who you are and not just the nonsensical ones where nothing makes sense.  I truly enjoy investing into people.  There's always a part of me that desperately yearns for more in relationships.  And why not?  I practically invest all that I am into them to some degree only for the hope to see life being reaped out of their lives as well.  Then I turn to myself, something that I still learn and grow in, is loving myself as I love others.  "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" says my Savior.  I suppose in that aspect, in my whole life, I've been unbalanced in that.  My love for people had always been greater than for myself, I wasn't really ever a fan of me.  Now, honestly, I can say that I'm a fan.  I like myself.  Thanks to the healing love of Jesus Christ and His ministry towards my heart, I can seriously say that I like myself. And you know, since I left Medford to come back home to La Grande (I spent a year at a school of discipleship for those of you that don't know that), those well meaning people who have called me Knappy, just because that's how they know me, has caught me off guard.  It strikes me because, well, I'm Jordan now.  "Knappy" is an old identity, an old identity that isn't entirely Biblical.  In the sense of knowing scriptures, I'm a scholar.  In the sense of knowing spiritual truth that many don't even fathom because their pursuit of God is limited only to the weekly Sunday attendance.  In regards to self, though, I was the executioner, the judge.  Over myself, I held a list of my mistakes, I was able to tell you each of my mistakes and the day I did.  Doesn't love say it "keeps no record of wrongs?"  Was I like a person who James describes as "double minded, unstable in all that he does?"  That was me!  Until one immaculate and painful day that Christ revealed the death I was bringing to my life, until He lovingly showed me what kind of hate I was spewing over my life.  I mean, how can I say I love Jesus, and love others, yet unable to love myself?  Wouldn't that be the terrible "H" word hypocrisy?  Isn't that the worst thing one could be?  Say one thing, and do another.  Yikes.  But now... no.  Now, you are reading the words of a changed MAN.  A man who can see the good in me, who can see why people enjoy being around me.  I can see why people had the audacity to invest in such a broken man, because they saw the glimmer of light that was within me.  They saw with the eyes of Christ, not of the flesh.  "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.  Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  To those of you who lived those words and breathed those words over my life, I can't possibly thank you enough, yet I'm going to thank you. So, "Thank you!"  I'm sure you know who you are anyway, if you take a minute to see what you've really done for my life, in how you've loved me, in how you were Christ to me in some times.  There are far to many to number, yet your investment will reap a mighty harvest, and for that investment, Christ will reward you.
       Now... for you who are in that prison that I was in.  I have some words for you.  Yet, don't be afraid, for they are the words that have washed over me so many times and have stilled my heart countless times.  "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death... Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?  As it is written 'For Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.'  NO!  In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, NOR ANYTHING ELSE IN ALL CREATION (can you think of anything outside of creation?  Well.. God... but He loves you! =D), will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:1,2; 35-39.  That condemnation thing?  No more, if you're condemning yourself, you're not living as Christ is in you; no bueno =(.  How about your feeling of not being worthy?  Christ has made you worthy by His sacrifice on the Christ!  And besides, it is no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you.  Stop living in the mind set that God is the punisher, that He will kick you while you're down because you're a filthy sinner.  We are not sinners in the hands of an angry god; no we are children in the arms of a loving Father.  Don't let the view of yourself, how you feel about yourself "dictate" how worthy you are in Christ.  In Christ, who is your true identity, has made you more than worthy.  Look through the eyes of Jesus at yourself.  Look at the furious, amazing, powerful, unending love He has for you.  Oh, how He loves us.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Faithful; Life

Proverbs 3:3  "Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
   bind them around your neck,
   write them on the tablet of your heart"

The whole book of Proverbs has multiple little nuggets of wisdem or things to think about that can change your world.  Proverbs 3:3 is nothing short of one of them.  The two greatest things man can attain is love and faithfulness.  (Faith in Christ is perhaps the greatest man has for himself.)  You can't have one without the other.  Because you love someone, in turn, you will be faithful to that person.  Be it in a marriage, a relationship, or friendship, because you love the person you will be faithful.  And because you're faithful, it shows that you love them.  Christ is our perfect example for us.  He was faithful to the end while on this earth.  I'm sure He had the opportunity to leave us, after all he had the fullness of God inside of Him while still being totally human.  Christ was faithful to the point of death on the cross; not because of any sort of obligation toward us (He never has owed us anything), but rather out of His great love for us He'd rather die Himself than for us to die in our sin.  And even now, before He ascended into heaven, He promised that He would be with us to the very end of the age.  He's remained faithful in that promise toward us since the beginning.  God's been walking with man since Adam and He will continue to do so into eternity.  His promises are lasting and never once have been broken. 
        So often, we are deserted, so many times are we left on our own by other people.  No human is ever constantly with us, has every promise that a human made to you been fulfilled?  No?  There have been broken promises?  Do you want to know Someone who keeps all of His promises?  Do you need Someone who you need to be there all the time?  Can I just point you to Jesus?  Can't you see that all that I write is pointed towards Christ and not myself?  None of this matters if it's not pointed towards the One who deserves all glory and is worthy of it all.  Never has He left me, never has He forsaken me.  And can I tell you that throughout all scripture, I have never seen a moment when God was not walking with man in some fashion.  If you're looking for someone to be faithful, look nowhere else than Christ. 
        He is faithful to the point of death.
Our understanding of life is about as great as an ant's understanding of how big Mt. Everest really is: not even close. So why would we want to rely on our finite little minds instead of the infinitely eternal mind of God?  Is it because we don't fully understand God and we more or less understand ourselves and prefer the things that we can wrap our minds around?  Perhaps.  We do prefer to know things and have control over life because we don't enjoy unexpected events to take place in our lives.  So as far as it kind of "makes sense" as to why we prefer to lean on our own understanding, it does.  God's vantage point to see what's going to happen is infinitely greater than ours.  We can see within perhaps the next thirty seconds but God is able to see into eternity.  30 seconds or eternity; which one is more appealing to us?  God won't tell us everything that will happen, but will reveal His good and perfect will to us as we walk with Him.  We need to walk by faith knowing that He's got what is best for us.  Let us follow our Good Shepherd who knows the way.  "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Walking Up The Mountain

As you read, replace my name with yours.

I ascend to the Mountan to be with my Jesus.
At the start of my journey it's not very steep and it feels like a really, really casual jaunt up the Mountain. Further and further I go there are a few patches where it gets steeper and there are small abostacles. Once I got to about a quarter of the way up, I'm noticing that this won't be some casual journey; by now I have scraped knees, my arms are cut and my clothes have gooten dirty and ripped. And once I reach the halfway point and thoughts begin to cloud my mind about where I should continue going or back down, this climb is far more than I expected. Jesus is calling me up saying, "You can do this! I believe in you!" And yet another voice is callling, "You're too weak for this, back down-- Jesus doesn't really want you up there with Him." (ooohhh little does that deciever know...) Suddenly Jesus burst into the scene, "Jordan, I will make the journey with you. We will share in this climb." I agree with a great sigh of relief, I knew I couldn't do this alone. We walk on further and by now we're close to 90% to the top and Jesus turns to me and says, "Jordan, did you in your wildest dreams think it would be easy to climb this?" Immediately I reply, "Ya know... at first I did, but just before the halfway point I wanted to give up. I realized that this journey was bigger than I was. I couldn't do it alone, Jesus. Thank You for coming with me." Jesus replied almost instantly saying, " That's exactly why I came down to be with you and share in the struggle of this climb. You see, Jordan, I believed that you could do this. There was nothing that was given to you that was too hard for you. And once you started to believe that it was going to be too hard. You see, My son, many people have taken this climb just like you have. Some of them quit because they thought it would be too costly. But you counted your costs and saw that it was more valuable to be with Me than have all the riches in the world. You decided to walk this with me because you knew it was too difficult for you alone, you realized that in your weakness my strength is made perfect. None of this was up to Me, My child, I chose to come and help you and I left it up to you to choose to accept my invitation."
And once we made it to the very top, Jesus turned to me, took ahold of my shoulders and said, "Well done good and faithful servant. You discovered you needed a Savior and that you couldn't make this climb alone. You have done well, and if you didn't notice, I was truly walking with you since the beginning but I his that from you so that you may develop in yourself the truth that you needed Me to make the climb. Now come, Jordan, let us share in the joys of eternal paradise forever!"

I understand that this seems like it's for's not. This word came to me from my Jesus tonight and He told me you all still need the reminder that Jesus is walking this life with you. He knows the struggles, in fact He is always right by your side.

Shown the Way

Psalm 46:1-3,7 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, and the mountains quake with their surging... The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."
-There is something that has to be realized about humans: we're weak and we are frail creatures. Though we try to combine our man-power to make huge buildings, even redirect rivers, when it comes to personal struggles and tragedies, failures and mistakes, we can't keep our heads above water. I don't know why, but we as humans tend to think we're strong enough that we can last without help. That is futile and that folly will kill us. When God created us, He made us a thing that yearns for more, yearns for help and yearns for peace. Before The Fall, we had that; before sin was rampant, we had all those things. But because sin in its essence is the seperation from God, and we aren't in that perfect union with Him, we have to come to a conclusion: We are unable to do it on our own, we have that built in need for a helper that we are unable to truly without. This isn't to say that we're unable to survive in the wilerness or something to that extent, I'm talking about the hard stuff: the loss of a loved one (or many in a short period of time), being diagnosed with a terminal illness, the lack of purpose in life and just going through the motions, and last but not least, no peace. Not world peace, but the kind of peace that is in the midst of a storm. The kind of peace that even though your entire world is crumbling around you, that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has everything under control even though you cannot see past the end of your nose. It's the "walking by faith" feeling. And not blind faith, in the least. It's the kind of faith that tells you, even though you have no clue, but God does and you will follow Him even though you cannot see.
-We humans, if we don't have a leader who knows the way, are lost in ourselves. And indeed no one man knows the way, correct? That is, at least unless we are given help and are directed in the right direction. And indeed, we have been shown the way. That was Jesus who came and showed us the way. he knew that because of the sin we've committed in our lives and being seperated from God. He knew that our little finite minds could never know the way to eternal life with the King. After all, the leading religious leaders at the time thought it was all about the appearance of the man and not the heart of the man. If your heart belongs in the hands of the King and has been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, then and only then, will you have eternal life with the King. Jesus came to show the Way. And there is only one way to the King: through Jesus Christ. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) Why else would Jesus make such a radical claim unless He we telling the truth and we really do need to be shown the way. And shouldn't we be grateful? We were so lost in our own way that we didn't even know we were lost! Convinced that we weren't lost, we were burning down a trail of destruction. The sort of destruction that kills the heart and rids the life of joy. The sort of trail that eliminates hope in our heart and we can't imagine what peace even feels like.
-And so, rather than watching His children perish in their own sin, Jesus came down to become the sin for us and put to death the record of our mistakes and to set us free. And what do we have to do on our part? The easy stuff. All we have to do is give our lives over to the King who died for us to show us the Way, Truth and Life. The one who showed up there's more to life than that lived for self. To show us that there truly is peace to be found. Though we were lost in our own ways, Christ stepped down our of heaven to show us the way. He traded His limitless reach for the limited reach of an arm. He traded instant travel to anywhere, to being limited to how far legs can carry Him. Through His life here on earth and his resurrection, He showed us that death is not the end, but merely just the beginning of true living.