Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All Things Pure

"To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure." Titus 1:15
More than anything, I think Paul wasn't talking about food or clothing or music or even our choice of entertainment (that's not to say he wasn't, though).  I think he was reaffirming his words from a previous letter to the Corinthians: "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view (because our vantage point has changed!).  Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:16-17)  Then, for we who are pure by the blood of Jesus (for there is no other way to be pure/purified), should no longer regard any other human being anything less than who God has created them to be.  This is the beauty of being in Christ in regards to the world: we can see who they are created to be because of the Father's heart.  And His heart isn't so far and aloft from us that we have to have some "enlightened spiritual experience" to get a glimpse of it.  Simply by reading His word are we able to get a huge glimpse of His heart for His beloved children.   Don't you know that people are not defined by their mistakes?  Nor are they the product of their failures.  Too often are things said like "you're dirty", "slut", "punk" etc are spoken over broken people that those words just reaffirm their brokenness.  Do they need the reminder of the filth that they're in?  My friends, when you speak those things, you're robbing them of a life-giving opportunity for them.  Have you not read John 8 when Jesus says to the woman caught in adultery, "I do not condemn you, now go leave your life of sin?"  Have you forgotten that?  Why are we so quick to pick up the stones of condemnation when we ourselves deserve to be condemned for our wrongs as well?  After all, all sin is sin.  There is no level of extreme; no big sin, little sin.  In God's eyes, it's all the same; it separates us from Him.  And it all cost Him the same price: His Son.  "To the pure all things are pure" is a beautiful truth that often times we get so terribly wrong.  Don't misjudge my heart here, I'm guilty of it too and I'm not gonna throw the gavel on you, I'm in no place to do that, only God is.  Yet, we should take a long look into God's 66 book love letter to us; we need a better understanding of God's heart for His children.  Yes, God loves us; even more so, He likes us!  He enjoys and delights in us.  The greatest truths are for us, so easily accessed, and they need to be shared and not confined within four walls of a church. 
My point: understand that the ground is level at the foot of the cross.  There is One exalted: Jesus.  You are no greater than the hobo who sits on the corner who's ignored by everyone and you're no worse than the Pope or the President of the United States.  To God, we're all His children and He loves us all the same.


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