Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Man Up

It's been a while since I've last harped at, ya.  I'm feeling it coming again.  Here's this problem that I see that, at least for this time being, is causing so much of the pain that is going on in this world: We have too many boys in this world walking around in men's clothing.  We see them walking around self-focused wanting to gratify their sinful desires while wreaking havoc in lives surrounding them.  Today, I ran into a girl I went to school with and graduated the same year.  I was at work, so I wan't able to talk to her for very long, I wanted too, though.  She's six months pregnant.  I asked if she knew who the father was (seems like a viable question for some reason...) and she said yea.  Then she proceeded to confide in me that a few days ago that he left her for another girl.  I heard that, it troubled me, it got a fire going in my belly.  I'm mad, but a righteous indignation fills this heart at the moment.  Where did we think it was okay to go for things that will satisfy us and not care about the damage that may go on in another person's life?  This girl said that she was okay with it (hard to tell... don't know her that well.  However, I'd like to say that it bothers her a bit.)  Her parents are supportive and are not casting her out; thank God for loving parents who keep their kids with them, even in their mistakes and (don't get me wrong, though pregnancy outside of a marriage I believe is a mistake, a child IS NOT A MISTAKE.  A blessing and a wonderful gift, but at that time, probably not what is ideal for life. She's only 19) shortfalls.  Though she may not know it, or her parents even, she's showing how God relates to us in our sin and pain.  He may not like it, but He will never kick us to the curb. 
     If I were to see that guy in the street and know who it is, I would have a few choice words for him.  I'd tell him to, "MAN UP!"  And I'm not talking about being "tough" and balling up, gritting your teeth to do things that are hard.  That's just being courageous, if anything.  "Man-ing up" means bowing down to authority.  To "Man Up" means to know where you come from, to know who gives you life, to know where your responsibility as a man comes from.  Want to know what a real man is?  Look to the Bible, look at Jesus.  See how He relates with all people?  See how He relates with the woman caught in adultery?  Jesus served first.  We must serve first.  He who serves most, loves most.  Do we understand that this life is not about satisfying our flesh?  That life is more than just getting what "number one" can get.  No, number one is not really Number One.  Number One is God.  Don't you dare try to usurps God's throne for your own.  You are not the Creator, the Almighty.  A real man knows where His life comes from; a real man looks to his Source for strength, not gritting his teeth. No, manning up is laying down all of our effort and strength and trying and acknowledging that we don't have it all figured out.  I understand, men that it's not fun to say we don't have it all figured out, that we don't have what it takes.  But you're in good company!  All of the disciples, Paul, Moses, David, Isaiah, Elishah and Elijah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all knew they didn't have it all.  And at a point in their life, realized that. 
     Let's look at our father, Adam and take a lesson from him.  God said that he was to oversee and to look after God's creation.  It didn't mean doing as he pleased, no it was about him being a faithful steward, caring for and leading creation, CARING FOR AND LEADING HIS BRIDE.  If you recall, Adam was with Eve when the serpent, Satan, tempted her.  He didn't do anything.  He let her be tempted.  Don't we understand that as men we are to protect the women around us?  We are to look after and care for those most beautiful of God's creation?  And then, when God confronted Adam, Adam blames Eve!  He passes the buck!  Before we want to call him a spineless worm, take a look at your own life.  Have you ever laid the blame on someone else when it was really your fault?  Ever blame somebody because it was "inconvenient" to be in trouble?  We are not free from fault here (remember Romans 6:23?).  This is something that we've lost sight of so strongly.  We've forgotten that we're not just men in just leading, but also in caring for and looking after.  For instance, guys, are you making advances on the girl you're interested in/dating?  Knock it off.  Stop trying to please your sinful nature.  Are you planning on marrying her?  Do you plan on giving your life for her?  Do you understand what love is?  You say you love her, yet all you love is yourself because you are seeking to please yourself.  If you say you love the girl, you're saying you'd put her before yourself; loving somebody is lifting them up above yourself.  Man up!   Manning up is our abilility to lay down all of our effort and all of our trying and all of our strength and saying, "I trust in Jesus; I trust in His perfection; I trust in His power; I trust in His resurrection, becuase He is the only One that can get me through this and He is the only One that can make me free. 
     Understand that we don't have to go at this alone.  We have the Ultimate Gentleman by our side, who never forces Himself upon us, who we need to look to to draw strength and guidance from.  May we look to Jesus, may we read the Word of God, may we constantly be in prayer to learn how it really is to be a man.  God guide us, show us how we are to be men in Your Kingdom.  Most of all, forgive us our selfishness, and grant us the sight and wisdom to live as men of God, not children of sin.  We are Your children, Lord.


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