As you read, replace my name with yours.
I ascend to the Mountan to be with my Jesus.
At the start of my journey it's not very steep and it feels like a really, really casual jaunt up the Mountain. Further and further I go there are a few patches where it gets steeper and there are small abostacles. Once I got to about a quarter of the way up, I'm noticing that this won't be some casual journey; by now I have scraped knees, my arms are cut and my clothes have gooten dirty and ripped. And once I reach the halfway point and thoughts begin to cloud my mind about where I should continue going or back down, this climb is far more than I expected. Jesus is calling me up saying, "You can do this! I believe in you!" And yet another voice is callling, "You're too weak for this, back down-- Jesus doesn't really want you up there with Him." (ooohhh little does that deciever know...) Suddenly Jesus burst into the scene, "Jordan, I will make the journey with you. We will share in this climb." I agree with a great sigh of relief, I knew I couldn't do this alone. We walk on further and by now we're close to 90% to the top and Jesus turns to me and says, "Jordan, did you in your wildest dreams think it would be easy to climb this?" Immediately I reply, "Ya know... at first I did, but just before the halfway point I wanted to give up. I realized that this journey was bigger than I was. I couldn't do it alone, Jesus. Thank You for coming with me." Jesus replied almost instantly saying, " That's exactly why I came down to be with you and share in the struggle of this climb. You see, Jordan, I believed that you could do this. There was nothing that was given to you that was too hard for you. And once you started to believe that it was going to be too hard. You see, My son, many people have taken this climb just like you have. Some of them quit because they thought it would be too costly. But you counted your costs and saw that it was more valuable to be with Me than have all the riches in the world. You decided to walk this with me because you knew it was too difficult for you alone, you realized that in your weakness my strength is made perfect. None of this was up to Me, My child, I chose to come and help you and I left it up to you to choose to accept my invitation."
And once we made it to the very top, Jesus turned to me, took ahold of my shoulders and said, "Well done good and faithful servant. You discovered you needed a Savior and that you couldn't make this climb alone. You have done well, and if you didn't notice, I was truly walking with you since the beginning but I his that from you so that you may develop in yourself the truth that you needed Me to make the climb. Now come, Jordan, let us share in the joys of eternal paradise forever!"
I understand that this seems like it's for's not. This word came to me from my Jesus tonight and He told me you all still need the reminder that Jesus is walking this life with you. He knows the struggles, in fact He is always right by your side.
I ascend to the Mountan to be with my Jesus.
At the start of my journey it's not very steep and it feels like a really, really casual jaunt up the Mountain. Further and further I go there are a few patches where it gets steeper and there are small abostacles. Once I got to about a quarter of the way up, I'm noticing that this won't be some casual journey; by now I have scraped knees, my arms are cut and my clothes have gooten dirty and ripped. And once I reach the halfway point and thoughts begin to cloud my mind about where I should continue going or back down, this climb is far more than I expected. Jesus is calling me up saying, "You can do this! I believe in you!" And yet another voice is callling, "You're too weak for this, back down-- Jesus doesn't really want you up there with Him." (ooohhh little does that deciever know...) Suddenly Jesus burst into the scene, "Jordan, I will make the journey with you. We will share in this climb." I agree with a great sigh of relief, I knew I couldn't do this alone. We walk on further and by now we're close to 90% to the top and Jesus turns to me and says, "Jordan, did you in your wildest dreams think it would be easy to climb this?" Immediately I reply, "Ya know... at first I did, but just before the halfway point I wanted to give up. I realized that this journey was bigger than I was. I couldn't do it alone, Jesus. Thank You for coming with me." Jesus replied almost instantly saying, " That's exactly why I came down to be with you and share in the struggle of this climb. You see, Jordan, I believed that you could do this. There was nothing that was given to you that was too hard for you. And once you started to believe that it was going to be too hard. You see, My son, many people have taken this climb just like you have. Some of them quit because they thought it would be too costly. But you counted your costs and saw that it was more valuable to be with Me than have all the riches in the world. You decided to walk this with me because you knew it was too difficult for you alone, you realized that in your weakness my strength is made perfect. None of this was up to Me, My child, I chose to come and help you and I left it up to you to choose to accept my invitation."
And once we made it to the very top, Jesus turned to me, took ahold of my shoulders and said, "Well done good and faithful servant. You discovered you needed a Savior and that you couldn't make this climb alone. You have done well, and if you didn't notice, I was truly walking with you since the beginning but I his that from you so that you may develop in yourself the truth that you needed Me to make the climb. Now come, Jordan, let us share in the joys of eternal paradise forever!"
I understand that this seems like it's for's not. This word came to me from my Jesus tonight and He told me you all still need the reminder that Jesus is walking this life with you. He knows the struggles, in fact He is always right by your side.
Love this!
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