Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life, Again.

     What would I say life is most like?  Certainly it is a journey that must be traveled.  But what kind?  A race?  Climbing a mountain?  Life is too beautifully complex to nail it down do a single analogy.  What do I know is that life is good because it is directed by a good God.  He knows what He's doing and life is directed towards the purpose of which He desires.  he is a benevolent God, only desiring good for His creation.  And yes, sometimes difficulties come along, some times bad things do happen.  Death, disease, abuse and the like are not good things.  However, is God not big enough, is He not good enough, is the cross not powerful enough to bring life to such dead situations?  If something is difficult, it doesn't mean it's bad, and Jesus never said life would be easy.  He said there would be difficulties in this life, but also to "take heart! For I [He] has overcome the world."  We wouldn't ever need the power of God in our lives if we were able to handle it.  Would God's grace really be good enough?
     (My aim here isn't to sound crass.  Especially after the horrible events that transpired last week.  I pray that what I'm saying here is more an encouragement to lean into the Savior.  Allow the pain and the uncertainty of this world to push you into the arms of the Savior.)
     Even with the difficulties that arise, one shouldn't forget about the joys of life.  If life has no joy, then what is it really?  God gives good things; He is the originator of all things good.  We must remember that "good" has to be within the definition God gives it.  If something is good only because it benefits me, is it really good?  Is "good" then, in relation to whether or not it "feels good?"  Sometimes growing doesn't feel good; growing pains hurt!  But isn't growing a good thing, even with the pain?  Or how about when you work out?  It may hurt for a time, and muscles will probably get sore.  But aren't the benefits greater than the temporary discomfort?  I've realized pain really isn't a bad thing.  I certainly don't ask for it, or rejoice when it comes along, but I see that there are many more benefits than the temporary discomforts.  I look back at my life, and times that may have been the most difficult is where the most growth in my life happened.  The death of my grandmothers, Anthem (difficult, but so AWESOME), and the last year and a half.  There's always been joys and I pray God will keep them coming.  But, what I'm finding when it's hard is what an amazing dillema I have before me to be on the stormy seas with the Almighty who only desires good for me, as defined by Him.
     Maybe life is like being on a ship.  For a while, preparation is mandatory.  You gotta ready the ship for the open seas.  A season of waiting is necessary.  But once you're on the open water, sometimes it smooth sailing, others a mighty squall is rocking your boat left and right.  But, there's one Constant.  No matter what life may be.  If it's while being on the sea, climbing a mountain, whichever, there is only ever One that remains.  God.  He's always here.  He's never left.  Even as we feel like we're distant, it's because we've made ourselves distant.  But the beautiful thing?  We're never too far from the redeeming grace, the forgiving hand of God.  Most importantly, His love never fails, never gives up and never runs out on us.  And through triumph and tragedy, He never leaves.  "For I will never leave you nor forsake you."
God is forever faithful.